Answers for Lesson Eighty-seven
Answers to Study Questions for Week Thirteen Day Three
1. Why are the testimonies of the truth of John’s vision important?
Answer: The testimonies of the truth of John’s vision are important because all who heard the reading would know that this was not just one more book, nor was it the result of feverish imagination.
2. What is the first testimony?
Answer: The first testimony was provided by an angel who testified that the words of the book are “trustworthy and true.”
3. Why does the textbook author say verse 7 is not a guarantee that the Lord is about to return today?
Answer: He points out that these words have been read four almost two thousand years, so should not be seen as a guarantee that the Lord is about to return today.
4. What is the biblical meaning of the term prophecy
Answer: In the Bible a prophet is one who speaks for God, thus any such speech is a prophecy, whether about future, present or even past events.
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