Lesson Thirty-eight

Answer to Each
Study Question for Week Six Day 3


1.      What is John instructed to do with the small scroll?

Answer:    John is instructed to eat the small scroll.

2.      How does this contrast with Ezekiel’s experience doing this?

Answer:    This contrasts with Ezekiel’s experience because Ezekiel’s experience was that it was sweet as honey, but for John it was sweet to the palate but bitter to the stomach.

3.      Why are we told that the book was bitter in John’s stomach?

Answer:    The book was bitter in John’s stomach possibly because John came out of a Jewish tradition but he was told to prophesy to many people and nations and languages and kings.

4.      What is the danger of insisting on knowing information God has hidden?

Answer:    The danger of insisting on knowing information God has hidden may well be an excuse for not being obedient in more immediate matters

5.      What does the textbook author say is sometimes a bitter pill for us and churches today to swallow?

Answer:    The textbook author says the difficulty to accept that God loves and invites other people who are very different from us is sometimes a bitter pill for us and churches today to swallow.

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