Answers for Lesson Three

Answers to Study Questions

for Week One Day Three


1.      What recurring topic in Revelation is introduced for the first time in verse 7?

Answer:    The recurring topic introduced for the first time is the return of the Lord.

2.      What does the text of Revelation stresses that it is not so much the time of the return of the Lord.

Answer:    The text of Revelation stress about the return of the Lord as that it will be a vindication of believers and a reproach for their enemies.

3.      Who will see the return of the Lord?

Answer:    His enemies and “all the tribes of the earth” will see the return of the Lord.

4.      What is the meaning of “I am Alpha and Omega”?

Answer:    The meaning of “I am Alpha and Omega is “the beginning and the end.” Christ was the Word that was before creation and will have the last word when all thing pass away.

5.      How do persons today try to limit the power of Christ?

Answer:    Persons today try to limit the power of Christ by denying that we all are creatures of God, even our enemies and those who persecute us.

This lesson series is provided courtesy of

First United Methodist Church

of Miami, Florida

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